Sunday, November 07, 2004

Banshee Polling

Poll Results: The most recent Banshee Blog poll was up for two weeks. It asked readers where they get most of their news. 44% of voters said that they got their news from cable news channels. 33% responded that they got their news from the Internet (hopefully from sources other than this blog). 11% responded that they got their news from talk radio, but the sole comment for this poll indicated that this voter actually meant NPR -- not Rush and Sean. 11% also responded that they got their news from "other." No voter said that they got most of their news from the evening news on the networks or from the print media. I suppose that it really is not surprising that blog readers get their news from non-traditional sources.

New Poll: This week Banshee Blog wants to know if you live in a red state (Bush) or a blue state (Kerry).