Tuesday, December 14, 2004

Brief Apprentice recap

Due to technical difficulties with my VCR, I was only able to watch the second half of the most recept episode of the Apprentice. So, this is gonna be a very brief recap. Heading into this week, only Sandy, Jenn, Kelly and Kevin remained. The task for this week was to undergo a series of interviews from Trump's people. Only Jenn and Kelly survived. And, so it's down to two.

But, Jenn and Kelly won't be alone as they go for the gold. Both were given three ex-competitors to join their teams. Jenn's task is to organize some sort of charity basketball game. Kelly's task is to run a polo event.

It will all come to an end on Thursday night. The 3-hour (yeah, you read that right) finale will air on NBC this Thursday. The marathon show will begin at 8 this week rather than at the usual 9 o'clock timeslot.