Monday, August 02, 2004

Back in the Loop

The bar exam has ended. I was able to keep the blog pretty well updated in the days leading up to the exam, but, as you may have noticed, I let a few days go by without posting in the wake of the exam. I apologize for that. I especially apologize to those of you who were relying on this blog to keep you updated as to the events at the Democratic National Convention and to those who were expecting immediate commentary on the Nomar trade.

But, fear not. I will be gradually catching up with this blog. I will be back-dating the posts so that they will appear in the sequence in which they should appear. So, take a little scroll back and see what I may have posted from July 28th forward. This back-dating is not for the purpose of deceiving readers into believing that I have never let a day go by without a post. Rather, it is to keep the posts appropriately archived so that they will be easier to access in the future.