Tuesday, February 22, 2005


Have you seen those weird commercials where the people talk about riding an SUV? They have a rodeo theme, but the guys are riding a creature that resembles a cross between a Snufalufagus and a Dodge Durango. The commercials are advertising esuvee.com.

Even if you managed to figure out that the commercials are advertising a website, you probably still have no idea what this website is about. I had no idea either. But, I figured that inquiring minds would certainly want to know, so I checked it out.

Esuvee.com is a flashy but slightly creepy website dedicated to the safety of SUVs. It talks about the importance of proper air pressure, maintaning safe speeds, wearing seatbelts, etc. The campaign is brought to you by the offices of the Attorneys General of all the 50 states. Why? Search me.

Oh, and for you Super Bowl viewers, godaddy.com is a website where you can register domain names. There is a woman on their homepage, but she is wearing a very conservative, crew neck tee. Sorry boys. No tank tops in sight.