Sunday, July 25, 2004

Banshee Blog Polling

Poll results:  Last week's poll asked if readers were planning to watch any of the Democratic National Convention this week.  There was low turnout on this poll.  Perhaps that says as much about Banshee Blog reader's excitement for this convention as the results themselves do.  Two voters said they planned to watch some of the convention.  Three voters said they did not plan to watch any of the convention.  I doubt those results indicate anything about the political leanings of this blog's readers.  It's quite likely that it would be a very similar result for the Republican National Convention.  After all, nothing earth-shaking happens at these events anymore.  Limited coverage by the networks indicates that many Americans are not very interested in the upcoming convention, regardless of their political leanings.

New Poll:  Are you looking forward to the Olympics?  The 2004 Olympic games are less than a month away, but it seems like their approach has gone almost unnoticed.  When I was little, I looked forward to the Olympics as much as I looked forward to Christmas.  However, I feel like there is a little something missing as we approach this year's games.  Maybe it is just my imagination.  This will be a two week poll.