Saturday, September 11, 2004

Find your Republican soulmate

I knew online dating services were big, but I didn't realize how big. posted an article this weekend about a growing fad - political matchmaking. Since the BansheeBlog base is increasing, I assume there may be other right-minded singles who may also be intrigued by this idea. At, users can search for a match based on the typical criteria - age, gender, location, smoking/drinking habits, etc., but can rest assured that all matches will all come from a fairly large database of conservatives. (When I visited the site, there were "85 convservaties online now, and 726 had joined today.") There are actually other right-leaning dating services, but I like this one because the base is broader. (It allows inclusion of libertarians and "traditionalists" as well as Republicans, while others do not.) Whether or not you approve of or utilize internet matchmaking services, this one certainly deserves to be commended for its ingenuity.