Thursday, September 02, 2004

Miller vs. Matthews

The fireworks from Senator Zell Miller did not end when he stepped down from the stage. Just moments after his speech, Miller agreed to be interviewed live my MSNBC's Chris Matthews. Right from the start, it was a contentious interview. (Click here to read the entire transcript. Scroll down about a quarter of the way down the page to find where the Miller interview begins.)

After only a handful of questions, the following exchange occurred:

MATTHEWS: Well, let me ask you, when Democrats come out, as they often do, liberal Democrats, and attack conservatives, and say they want to starve little kids, they want to get rid of education, they want to kill the old people...

MILLER: I am not saying that. Wait a minute.

MATTHEWS: That kind of rhetoric is not educational, is it?

MILLER: Wait a minute. Now, this is your program. And I am a guest on your program.

MATTHEWS: Yes, sir.

MILLER: And so I want to try to be as nice as I possibly can to you. I wish I was over there, where I could get a little closer up into your face.

MILLER: But I don‘t have to stand here and listen to that kind of stuff. I didn‘t say anything about not feeding poor kids. What are you doing?

Then came this exchange:

MATTHEWS: OK. Do you believe now—do you believe, Senator, truthfully, that John Kerry wants to defend the country with spitballs? Do you believe that?

MILLER: That was a metaphor, wasn‘t it? Do you know what a metaphor is?

Soon after that, Matthews expressed offense at the fact that Miller pointed out that soldiers and not reporters are responsible for the freedom of the press. There were a few barbs exchanged over that topic. Then came the most spirited barrage from both parties. It went as follows:

MILLER: If you‘re going to ask a question...

MATTHEWS: Well, it‘s a tough question. It takes a few words.

MILLER: Get out of my face. If you are going to ask me a question, step back and let me answer.


MATTHEWS: Senator, please.

MILLER: You know, I wish we ... I wish we lived in the day where you could challenge a person to a duel. Now, that would be pretty good. Don‘t ask me—don‘t pull that ....


MATTHEWS: Can you can come over? I need you, Senator. Please come over.

MILLER: Wait a minute. Don‘t pull that kind of stuff on me, like you did that young lady when you had her there, browbeating her to death. I am not her. I am not her.


MATTHEWS: Let me tell you, she was suggesting that John Kerry purposely shot himself to win a medal. And I was trying to correct the record.

MILLER: You get in my face, I am going to get back in your face.