Wednesday, February 11, 2004

WKC Best in Show

Josh, the Newfoundland, took Best in Show last night at the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show. The announcers seemed very excited that there was at last a champion who was "big enough to drink out of the silver cup instead of sitting in it." I'm sure that Josh is a worthy champion, but I was quite disappointed that Co-Co, the Norfolk Terrier, did not even seem to get a serious look from the judge in the final competition. Apparently Mr. Burton J. Yamada, judge for Best in Show, has not been reading this blog. If he had, Mr. Yamada would have known that Co-Co is the cutest thing on four legs (no offense to you, Buffy). In other news, Doodlebug, the wirehaired dachsund, did not place in the Hound group.