Tuesday, May 04, 2004

13 Going On 30

I saw 13 Going On 30 over the weekend, and I loved it. Even though the trailers seem to be pitching the movie towards junior high girls, I think the audience that will best appreciate this movie is young women in their mid-20s and older. The movie begins with lead character Jenna Rink (played by Jennifer Garner) celebrating her 13th birthday in 1987. Then the movie skips ahead to 2004 when Jenna Rink is a 30 year-old adult. I found the references to the 80's to be hilrarious both in the 1987 scenes and in Jenna's 2004 dialogue. Jennifer Garner did a delightful job acting like a 13 year-old who is thrust into the adult world. And, the movie had a good message with a sweet ending. And just to top it all off, the movie contained a touching scene featuring Billy Joel's song "Vienna." Overall, I think this movie is quite enjoyable.