Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Winning and War

Yesterday I saw these words on a bumper sticker: "You can no more win a war than win an earthquake." I later discovered that Jeanette Rankin was the author of that quotation. A fine sounding platitude, I suppose. I guess the point is well-taken that there is tragedy and destruction inherent in both wars and earthquakes. However, I would strenuously disagree with the idea that there is no winner in a war. I think the Israelites at Jericho certainly won. The Romans won a few campaigns in their day. The Americans certainly won the American revolution. And the Allies clearly won World War II.

William Tecumseh Sherman once said, "War is cruelty. You cannot refine it." And, Sherman would know. But, that does not mean that war cannot and does not sometimes advance a greater good. And even when war is used to advance evil, that does not prove there is no winner. It only proves that evil won a temporary victory.

I think that that the owner of the car sporting that bumper sticker should take a moment and give thanks that not all Americans hold with the platitude on her car. If no one was willing to fight, I doubt that car owner would have the freedom to hold and express such idealistic views.