Thursday, June 17, 2004

Similarities between the Banshee and Laura Ingraham

Some of you may be familiar with Laura Ingraham from TV or radio. Some of you may actually even know her. I personally have been a fan of Ms. Ingraham since I first saw her on TV in the fall of 1998. That following spring, I even adjusted my morning routine so as to watch her show before class instead of Sports Center. Now I'm back in the fortunate life circumstance to be able to listen to her talk radio show from 9 till 10 in the morning on 960 AM.

After thinking about it for a little while, I realized that there are several similarities between myself and Laura. Sure, she is more famous and influential than I am at the moment, but we do have some things in common. We're both conservative women. We both attended law school in the state of Virginia. We both love Ronaldus Magnus and W. We both advertise for Dr. Paul Kengor's book, God and Ronald Reagan, on our websites. But the similarities don't end there.

This is the photo that leads off Laura's gallery at her website:

Here is the photo that is on my Friendster profile:

Hopefully, the similarities will continue into the future and I will have the opportunity to clerk for Justice Thomas at the Supreme Court and host my own radio show.