Wednesday, June 16, 2004

Time for blogging?

In recent weeks, I have heard several loyal readers of this blog make comments such as, "Wow, you must have a lot of time on your hands," or "It must be nice to have that much free time." I want to take a moment today to correct that misconception. Although I do enjoy posting to the blog, the volume of posts has nothing to do with my free time. For the most part, I make a point to post something everyday and don't allow myself go to bed until I do. Why? Partly because I believe in discipline. Partly because I know that my loyal readers cry rivers of tears if there is a post-free day. But mostly because I believe in the concept of blogging. For a refresher on my thoughts on all of thsi, please refer to one of the early posts on Banshee Blog. Here is an excerpt from that post:

I just finished reading In, But Not Of by Hugh Hewitt. The subtitle to this book is "A Guide to Christian Ambition." The basic gist of the book is that it is important for Christians to seek positions of influence in America. Mr. Hewitt says that one of the first steps to being a person of influence is participating in the public discourse. Thanks to the Internet, the Market Place of Ideas is not such a gated community as it once was. Mr. Hewitt recommends blogging as a great way to start sharing ideas with the public. He believes that if you write something interesting, people will find it. So, that's why Banshee Blog was born.